This is your guide to French for visiting France. In the guide, are important words and phrases that you may use on your travels.
Addressing people:
Hello = Bonjour
Goodbye = Au revoir
Good morning = Bonjour
Good day = Bonjour
Good afternoon = Bonsoir
Cheers = À votre santé
I would like = Je voudrais
Can I have ... = Est-ce que je peux avoir...
You're welcome = De rien
Thank you = Merci
Sorry = Désolé
Excuse me = Excusez moi
Please = S'il vous plait
Simple questions:
Do you speak English? = Parlez vous anglais?
How do you say ___ in English? = Comment on dit ___ en anglais?
How do you say ___ in French? = Comment on dit ___ en français?
The check, please! = L'addition, s'il vous plait!
How much does it cost? = Combien ça coûte?
How = Comment
What = Que/Quel/Quoi
Where = Où
Answering questions:
Yes = Oui
No = Non
I don't understand. = Je ne comprend pas.
I don't know. = Je ne sais pas.
Language proficiency:
I don't speak French. = Je ne parle pas français.
I speak a little French. = Je parle un peu français.
I speak French. = Je parle français.
With = Avec
Without = Sans
Cafe vocabulary:
A little = Un peu
Small = Petit (m.)/Petite (f.)
Big = Grand (m.)/Grande (f.)
This = Ça
Coffee = Café
Milk = Lait
Sugar = Sucre
Restaurant vocabulary:
I have a reservation. = J'ai une réservation.
+ for (go to number section) people. = pour ___ persons.
+ under (your name). = sous ___.
I'm a vegetarian. = Je suis un/une végétarien(ne)
Water = Eau
Still water = De l'eau plate
Sparkling water = De l'eau gazeuse
Bread = Pain
Meat = Viande
Steak = Steak
Fish = Poisson
Wine = Vin
Appetizer = L'entrée
Entree/main course = Le plat principal
Dessert = Le Dessert
Dog = Chien
Cat = Chat
Bird = Oiseau
One = Un
Two = Deux
Three = Trois
Four = Quatre
Five = Cinq
Six = Six
Seven = Sept
Eight = Huit
Nine = Neuf
Ten = Dix
In trouble:
Help! = À l'aide!