Velkommen til Dansk Sprogcenter!
(Welcome to the Danish Language Center!)
Unit 1:
Lesson 1GO >>>
Lesson 2Locked
Lesson 3Locked
Der var en ild i en bygning i københavn. Alle er okay og ingen kom til skade. Folket var bange med de er meget taknemmelige for brandmandens hjælp.
Brandmand redder dagen
Der var en ild i en bygning. Alle er okay men det var en forskrækkelse. Brandmanden kom og han hjalp folket i bygningen.
Hardly any of that probably made sense, but we do know two of those words at least. We know "en" is "a" and "og" is "and".
Brandmand redder dagen
Der var a ild i a bygning. Alle er okay men det var a forskrækkelse. Brandmanden kom and han hjalp folket i bygningen.
Next, let's next examine the phrase, "Alle er okay.". We'll have to make some assumptions here, but "Alle" may as well be "All", and "Okay" is pretty self-explanatory. So, maybe, "er" is "is".
Brandmand redder dagen
Der var a ild i a bygning. All is okay men det var a forskrækkelse. Brandmanden kom and han hjælp folket i bygningen.
Next, let's examine "hjalp", "kom", and "der". "Hjalp" in many ways resembles "helps". Kom also resembles another verb. It looks like the verb "to come".
Brandmand redder dagen
Der var a ild i a bygning. All is okay men det var a forskrækkelse. Brandmanden comes and han helps folket i bygningen.
However, now you are too exhausted from your flight, finding the exit, and deciphering things that that taxi driver are shouting. You give up. It's okay though; you will run into this experience when you are starting off, but after taking this course, this won't happen. The following is the full translation:
Firefighter saves the day
There was a fire in a building. Everyone is okay but it was a scare. The fireman came and he helped the people in the building.
Among the words you filled in, you managed to get a good portion correct or close. There are a few that are not quite right, so just check through. It is totally okay if you don't understand immediately.
Brandmand = Fireman
Der = There
Var = Was
Ild = Fire
I = In
Bygning = Building
Alle = Everyone
Er = Is
Men = But
Det = It
Forskrækkelse = Scare
Kom = Came
Hjalp = Helped
Folk = People
Redder = Saves
Welcome to the second part of the course. Yes, we all know this is the boring part, but it is important to actually understand Danish Grammar. That is why we are doing a grammar lesson. Let's start with the fundamentals namely personal pronouns. Down below is a table with Danish personal pronouns.
I = Jeg
You = Du
He/She = Han/Hun
We = Vi
You all = Du
They = De
Take a good look at the table and proceed to do the practice below.
Jeg = I
Du = You/You all
Han = He
Hun = She
Vi = We
De = They
Kan lide = Like
Går = Go
Supermarked = Supermarket
Pige = Girl
Dreng = Boy
Lesson 3:
Take a good look at the table and proceed to do the practice below.