
This is your guide to Corsican for visiting Corsica. In the guide, are important words and phrases that you may use on your travels.

Addressing people:

Hello = Bonghjornu

Goodbye = Avvedeci

Good morning = Bonghjornu

Good day = Bonghjornu

Good afternoon = Bona sera

Cheers = Salute


I would like = Vogliu

Can I have ... = Possu avè ...

You're welcome = Di nunda

Thank you = Grazie

Sorry = Mi dispiace

Excuse me = Scusatemi

Please = Per piacè

Simple questions:

Do you speak English? = Parlate Inglese?

How do you say ___ in English? = Cumu si dice ... in Inglese?

How do you say ___ in Corsican? = Cumu si dice ... in corsu?

The check, please! = U cuntu, per piacè

How much does it cost? = Quantu custa?

How = Cumu

What = Chì

Where = Induve

Answering questions:

Yes = Lè

No = Nò

I don't understand. = Ùn capiscu micca

I don't know. = Ùn a sò

Language proficiency:

I don't speak Corsican. = Io ùn parlò corsu.

I speak a little Corsican. = Io  parlò un pocu corsu.

I speak Corsican. = Io parlò corsu.


With = Cun

Without = Senza

Cafe vocabulary:

A little = Un pocu

Small = Picculu

Big = Grande

This = Questu

Coffee = Caffè

Milk = Latti

Sugar = Zuccheru

Restaurant vocabulary:

I have a reservation. = Aghju una riservazione.

+ for (go to number section) people. = per ___ persone.

+ under (your name). = sottu ___.

I'm a vegetarian. = Sò vegetariano (for men)/a (for women)

Water = Acqua

Still water = Acqua naturale

Sparkling water = Acqua frizzante

Bread = Pane

Meat = Carni

Steak = Bistecca

Fish = Pisci

Wine = Vinu

Appetizer = Aperitivu

Entree/main course = Piattu principale

Dessert = Dessert


Dog = Cane

Cat = Gattu

Bird = Acellu


One = Unu

Two = Dui

Three = Trè

Four = Quattru

Five = Cinque

Six = Sèi

Seven = Sette

Eight = Ottu

Nine = Nove

Ten = Dece

In trouble:

Help! = Aiutu!